August 11, 2008 – 7:08 pm
For as long as I can remember, Boondini’s in North Raleigh’s Celebration at Six Forks shopping center has been preparing the finest sandwiches and soups to be had in the area. Recently, a Mickey-D’s set up shop right in their front yard. “No prob,” I thought, “people are smart enough to pick the real deal over some McCrap, right?”
Looks like I might’a been wrong — the two times that I’ve visited since McD’s opening, Boondini’s has not seemed as bustling as I’m used to. No line at the register, tables empty even during the lunch-hour rush.
This makes me so very sad. Maybe I just happened to visit during a lull? Dunno, but consider this a call to arms: do the Right Thing and grab lunch at Boondini’s this week. You’ll be glad you did.
My personal faves, if you care to know: The baked chicken combo, “eat this” (egg salad and ham, grilled) on sunflower bread and fresh so-freakin’-good orange-ade.
get directions
H&FJ report that Beetle Bailey cartoonist Mort Walker coined the term grawlix around 1964 to describe the line of punctuation used in lieu of swearing in comics.
The N&O ran a story today about a man named L.F. Eason, a 29-year veteran of the NC Department of Agriculture that lost his job for refusing to lower the flag to half-staff to honor Jesse Helms’ passing.
Said Eason: “This is in no way a political decision. I simply do not feel it is appropriate to honor a person whose epitaph of government service was to have voted against or blocked every civil rights issue that came before the US Congress. His doctrine of negativity, hate, and prejudice cost North Carolina and our Nation much that we may never regain.”
I’ve gotten pretty sick of the trite coverage of Helms’ passing. I’ve decided that I’m going to consistently and repeatedly make an effort to tell people that I think they’re idiots. That way, when my friends, colleagues, etc. get interviewed on the occasion of my death, they can wholeheartedly state “I may not always have agreed with his opinions, but you always knew where he stood!”
I was saddened to learn that The Percolator Lounge in North Raleigh is closing its doors on Saturday, July 12th. I’ve enjoyed coffee from Percolator since back in the days when it was Cup A Joe North. A nice place to meet a client, grab some coffee, share the free Wi-fi. I’m gonna miss it.
Sadly, it looks like N Raleigh’s remaining locations for java are Starbucks and it’s wannabees. No, thank you, I *don’t* want whip cream on my drink!

Eames stamps
On the 17th, the USPS released a set of commemorative Charles and Ray Eames stamps.
Very cool, indeed.
Not quite as cool as my mid-century-mod-chair boxers, though!

Our family just returned from a trip to the beach. A sure sign that I let the TV act as baby-sitter a couple’a times too many: I just overheard Nora, my 3.5yr old, exclaim (in her spookiest voice) “Don’t worry… I’m Superghost! I’ll scare you and then save you!”
No more Scooby Doo for you, Nora.